
I am a follower of Christ. ❤

And….an amateur photographer with a passion for photography and gardening.  I got my first 35mm in my twenties. Which was a long time ago. 🙂 I have been taking pictures for as long as I can remember. I do remember my first disappointment!  I was probably about 8 years old and at my grandparent’s house was a lovely birdbath.  It was white with a light blue area for the water and there was deep red rose next to it.  So I took my best shot only to be very disappointed when the photo was in black and white!  Haven’t make that mistake since.

As far as equipment nothing fancy or expensive!  I use a Sony point and shoot that is small enough to fit in my purse or pocket so I always have it with me.  Most of my photos are taken within a 5 mile radius of my home.  You’re not going to see anything exotic from “far away lands” that’s for sure!  Lots of my photos are taken when I’m on a walk around my small town, or from my garden.

I am lucky, however to live near some of the most beautiful coastline in the world, well my world anyway.  I live on the central California coast, not too far from Big Sur and the famous Bixby Bridge which you have probably seen a zillion times in car commercials!


If you decide to follow my blog I hope you enjoy it!  I’m having great fun doing it!


16 thoughts on “About

    • Nice to meet you too! Once I wrote the bio I thought, “Gee is this too much information?” Well maybe it is but I left it anyway, I went to too much work to do it over again, lol!

      • LOL! Don’t worry, the same here and I also just decided to leave mine as it is. Way too much thinking involved. heheheh.

      • PS: Your bio is great as is and it’s always good to know a little bit about the person on the other side of the screen. It makes it a bit more personal, don’t you think? 🙂

  1. Hu there, good to hear you are having fun with the blogging and just enjoying it. Came over to say a big thanks for the follow on my were bloom it is really appreciated and I am flat to welcome you aboard. If you have any requests or suggestions just drop me a line, MM 🍀

    • Thank you so much for stopping by and being interested in my “about.” I like to call my blog rather eclectic! If there was an award for that I think I might just get it, lol! I never know what will present itself in front of my lens next!

  2. You have a lovely and attractive site here.

    Thank you for following “A Way With Words.” My joy in writing is made more complete when people read what I’ve written, and even more as they respond.

    As you’ll find, I write a great deal about faith and mental illness, though I’m also known to dabble in other subjects, stories, and poems. If you have any requests, please let me know.

    I pray you are blessed in your life and photography, as you are a blessing to others.

    Tony Roberts

  3. Thank you for stopping by, I’m sure I’ll enjoy your post about the California coastline as it will stir some memory of my road trip over there. You are right, this place is wonderful !

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